“On behalf of the entire Neo Fusion Creative Foundation team, I would like to thank Sai Daan Foundation for always being there for Neo Fusion. I know them since 2016. We all are Sai devotees and Sai has brought in this collaboration for a purpose. I truly can’t thank you enough for your generous donation. Whenever we were having a shortage and ask for their support for underprivileged students, they always reply positively. Your support will allow us to continue providing education to many deserving students. People and foundations like you truly make a difference in the world, and we’re incredibly grateful!”
Anubhooti Bhatnagar
Founder, NeoFusion“Hello, my name is Ashvin Dave, a student of class 9th at Shantiniketan Vidhya Vihar, Ahmedabad. I would like to thank Sai Daan Foundation for providing all the support and motivation in my academic journey. I am feeling enthusiastic to take forward this journey and will work hard to fulfil all my dreams.”
Ashvin Dave
Student“I am eternally grateful for the lessons I have learned by connecting with Sai Daan Foundation ( selfless serving). It has taught me the importance of putting others before myself, cultivating empathy, and understanding, and contributing to something greater than my own individual aspirations. Selfless serving has enriched my life in ways I could never have anticipated, and it has given me a purpose that transcends the boundaries of my own existence.”
Navneet Zutshi
Volunteer“Through Sai Daan Foundation, I have understood the real meaning of humanitarian cause and selfless serving. This remarkable ethos of service has touched my life in countless ways, leaving an indelible mark on my soul. I have witnessed the power of compassion to heal wounds and bring hope to those who are suffering. Whether it is volunteering at a local shelter, reaching out to a stranger in need, or dedicating time and resources to a humanitarian cause, selfless service has the ability to uplift and transform lives.”
VOLUNTEER“Sai Daan Foundation has been serving poor and homeless people in India for a very long time. Sandeep and Hema Teotia are working very hard to build a strong community where people can help each other. They are very humble and dedicated to this wonderful sewa. They are providing selfless service with their unconditional sewa. I am quite touched by how they are helping people. They cannot carry out this great service without our support. So, I urge everyone to help support the Sai Daan Foundation. It has been undertaking many good initiatives to help and serve the poor, by distributing blankets in winter, providing shade to the street vendors, delivering food to the needy, etc. It is not easy but they are taking time to provide sewa. My family and I live in Canada. When I learnt about the Foundation’s sewa I felt we should donate. So, my family has been donating for 2 years. It gives us a very good feeling that a little small amount of money can help people in a very big way and change their lives. Every little bit helps, so whatever you can donate to the Foundation will be greatly appreciated.”
Poonam Srivastava
Donor, Canada“निश्छल, निःस्वार्थ सेवा का प्रत्यक्ष उदाहरण साईं दान फाउंडेशन और इसके संस्थापक साईं हेमा भाभीजी और भाई साईं संदीप जी तिओतिया और उनकी दोनों बेटियां.
चाहे कोई भी मौसम हो चाहे कैसा भी मार्ग हो मन बनाया और चल दिये सेवा करने, कोई जात पात का भेदभाव नहीं कोई ऊंच नीच का भाव नहीं. कुष्ट रोगी, दलित, निःसहाय, हो , HIV पीड़ित बच्चों को, झुग्गी वासियों को अथवा स्कूल के बालकों को हर जरूरत मंद को यथायोग्य सहायता समय समय पर पहुचाना साईं दान फाउंडेशन हमेशा तत्पर रहा है. यहाँ तक कि कोरोना महामारी के दौरान भी जरूरतमंदों को अन्नदान की सेवा में सहयोग किया, समय समय पर वस्त्रदान, ब्लेंकेट का दान, अन्नदान उपलब्ध कराने में साईं दान फाउंडेशन का विशिष्ट योगदान रहा है. दृष्टि बाधित बच्चों को उनकी शिक्षा हेतु विशेष प्रकार का मोबाइल (Digiplayer) उपलब्ध कराया.
दान तो बहुत से लोग करते हैं किन्तु निष्कपट और स्वार्थ रहित दान का भाव मन में आना ऐसे बहुत बिरले लोग मिलते हैं.
मैं विगत 10 वर्षों से अधिक समय से इस परिवार के साथ जुड़ा रहा हूँ, इन्हें देखा है जाना है, मेरे भी हर सुख दुःख में साथ निभाना और परिस्थितियों के अनुसार उचित मार्गदर्शन भी मैंने संदीप जी और इनके परिवार से पाया है. साईं बाबा की कृपा सदैव पाई.
साईं दान परिवार अपनी ऊंचाई को अग्रसर होता रहे ऐसी शुभकामनाएं.”